William A. Jacobson
Legal Insurrection
I have pointed out before how In RI, Public Sector Unions Are The State and how behind almost every Democratic politician there stands a union.
So the latest news is not surprising. Via ProJo, Laborers’ union again gives two R.I. Senate leaders six-figure compensation:
Annual reports showing the overlap between the public and private lives of Rhode Island’s lawmakers streamed in last week. With them came voluntary disclosure by a lawyer for the Laborers International Union of North America of the six-figure compensation packages various union arms provide Senate Majority Leader Dominick Ruggerio and Sen. Frank Ciccone.
In response to a Journal inquiry, lawyer Darren Corrente disclosed:
The Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council gave Ciccone salary and benefits totaling $196,931.38 as its president and field representative. Ciccone got another $36,030.99 in salary and benefits as business manager for Local Union 808, representing several pockets of state employees.
Ruggerio received salary and benefits totaling $195,793.86 as administrator of the New England Laborers’ Labor-Management Cooperation Trust Fund, and $1,500 more as an officer for the Rhode Island Laborers’ District Council.
Who is the Laborers’ International Rhode Island? An organization with a, shall we say, colorful history, although I’m sure they’re clean now.
Update: Also at the site, Most brilliant speech writer ever uses “peace in our time” in his historic world-changing speech