Debra Heine
25 Feb 2013
In response to Finke: Michelle at Oscars ‘unnecessary and inappropriate’:
According to Clear Channel’s Steven Gregory on Twitter:
When Michelle Obama was introduced by Jack Nicholson most of the reporters in the media room groaned….loudly
— stevengregory (@stevengregory) February 25, 2013
Obama fatigue – it’s not just for righties anymore.
Also, this morning it’s being reported that the Michelle Obama hijack, last night, was part of a failed effort on the part of Harvey Weinstein to get Hollywood’s Obama voters to vote for Silver Linings Playbook for Best Picture…
The article continues, with video, at
Related: Why was Michelle Obama at the Oscars?
It was the average too-long, unfunny, over-produced Academy Awards TV show and then, after suffering through the 10-hour (well, it seemed like it) show, there was the first lady. In a ball gown. With military service personnel in dress uniform behind her.
She declared of the Best Picture nominees, “They reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage within ourselves.” Alas, none of the films nor her aides reminded her to mention the military, not those personnel behind her nor those serving overseas, an odd omission for the White House that nevertheless was pleased to have them arrayed behind her like, well, set decoration…
…It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election)…
Read the whole thing.
Also, Althouse: The completely inappropriate use of Michelle Obama — piped in from the White House — to announce the Best Picture Oscar.
…Why were military personnel used as props for an entertainment industry awards show?
Update: Arguing Over Argo at Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal:
The left and the right agree on one thing. Argo, the film directed by Ben Affleck, greatly distorts the known history of what happened during the Iranian hostage crisis. But that’s where the agreement ends.
Update 2: Iran photoshops Michelle Obama’s ‘racy’ dress
FLOTUS Interruptus: Obamas Hijack the Oscars
Heroes, Not Props: FLOTUS Ignores Military Members During Oscar Appearance