Anthony Martin
Conservative Examiner
…Today McCain announced that universal background checks is picking up broad support from both Parties in the U.S. Senate and indicated that he will support the proposal.
Although many Americans seem on the surface to support the concept of universal background checks, a closer look reveals that few actually understand the proposal and what it will do.
The United States already has the closest thing to universal background checks that one can reasonably expect from a burgeoning bureaucracy. All federal licensed gun dealers are required by law to run such checks each time a gun is sold. Even most vendors at gun shows are also required by law to do background checks.
So why is this issue suddenly so important when the nation already has in place a system for checking for the criminal and mental health history of potential gun buyers? And why is this issue being promoted as an answer to “gun violence” when mass shooters such as Sandy Hook murderer Adam Lanza are largely prevented from getting their guns legally due to background checks?
Lanza, it is to be remembered, stole his mother’s weapons, which he never would have gotten had his mother exercised appropriate precaution and locked up her guns, given that a lunatic lived in the house.
The answer lies in what the present push for universal background checks actually does. Very few of the guns sold in America today are done so apart from background checks, and those that are sold without the checks are transferred citizen to citizen either through a private sale or transaction, a gift, or an heirloom handed down from one generation to another.
In short, the only reason universal background checks are being pushed as if there is a dire national emergency is that the government wants private gun sales banned…
Read the entire article at the Conservative Examiner.
Related: McCain on gun control: Most of the Senate will support universal background checks
Update: Anthony wrote on his Facebook page:
…We don’t live in a totalitarian society that requires that we citizens get “permission” before we can sell, trade, or give away OUR OWN PROPERTY! In a FREE COUNTY, the government CANNOT legally deprive you of that right. If it tries, it only shows that such a government has become tyrannical and is fit for nothing but the ash heap of history!
Update 2: At Protein Wisdom:
I hate to say I told you so — oh, who am I kidding; it’s what I do — but the Senate GOP is set to “compromise” on gun-control, enacting the one proposal I predicted they would enact (while proclaiming victory for beating back the rest of the Feinstein agenda), so-called universal background checks…
Read the whole thing.