Michele Bachmann says Obama wants to 'lift up the Islamists' and allow Sharia law in America

Toby Harnden
The Daily Mail [UK]
12 December 2012

Representative Michele Bachmann has claimed that Barack Obama is determined ‘to lift up the Islamists’ and bow to their ‘ultimate demand’ of imposing Sharia law on America.

In an extraordinary interview at the weekend, the woman who once had high hopes of being the Republican candidate in this year’s presidential election, said that Americans should study Islamist texts just as those worried about fascism pored over Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ in the 1930s and 1940s.

In an extended on-air conversation with conservative radio hosts Jan Markell and Eric Barger, Bachmann contended that Obama was endangering the United States and Israel by supporting radical Islamists.


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‘President Obama, if you look at nearly every decision he has made about this issue, it is to lift up the Islamists and to take down Israel.’…

…In July, Bachmann and four other conservative members of Congress charged that people with ties to Muslim extremists had infiltrated the federal government…

Read the entire article at The Daily Mail.

H/T Joe Miller

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