Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.” “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” and those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”
Van Helsing
The damage done to children by the monstrous NEA extends beyond our shores. It has been egging on the comparably malignant United Nations to push twisted sex ed for kids in other countries:
“Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a [UN] panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out.
Liberalism means coercion first, last, and always — which means no opting out. What does liberal sex ed mean? Social engineering:
Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,” Schneider proclaimed, “and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.” “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”
The article continues at Moonbattery
Update: Your Tax Dollars Celebrate Being A Muslim Chick – On The Day Iran officially becomes a member of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, at Blazing Cat Fur. At the link is a short video entitled, “Iran’s Gender Apartheid–women without rights”
Update 2: “…Probably the last country on Earth one would expect to see cut U.N. funding. Now it’s our turn…” at Weasel Zippers:
…In a sweeping and hard-nosed reorganization of priorities for its $10.6 billion multilateral foreign aid program, the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government of Prime Minister David Cameron has pulled the financial plug entirely on four U.N. agencies at the end of next year, put three others judged merely “adequate” on notice that they could face the same fate unless they improve their performance “as a matter of absolute urgency;” and issued pointed criticisms of almost all the rest.
The major exception: UNICEF, the U.N. children’s aid agency, which got a strong endorsement and a funding increase…
Update 3: Late, but related, Northwestern University Live Sex Demo Featured Exhibitionists and a “Sex Saw” from Yahoo! AP News . And this from the Chicago Tribune. Why do these people always look like Bill Ayers?
Da Techguy has several related links worth reading, including a link to a video posted by Michael Graham. It’s not for the faint-hearted or for anyone with digestive problems. Michael wrote, “These Northwestern parents must be so proud…”
Update 4: The Other McCain reminds us that a teen-sex guide was distributed to Girl Scouts last year at the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women.