“…there is ‘no chance it [Obamacare] will be repealed even if Romney wins; too many of us in the Senate will fight too hard to stop it because it’s the right thing to do…It’s the most important vote I’ve ever cast and it’s the best vote I’ve ever cast.’ ”
~Senator Sherrod Brown
Kurt Rand
Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) delivered controversial remarks on Iran, Obamacare, Israel, and J Street at a Jewish center last week.
Because these remarks are just now becoming public, the true impact of the opinions expressed is not known. Sherrod Brown is in a tight battle to hold his Senate seat against a resurgent Josh Mandel, Ohio’s state treasurer. The most recent poll shows Brown with the support of just 49% of likely voters, a troubling sign for an incumbent. As these remarks become public, the race could tighten even more.
At the time of writing, this journalist is the only one to have a complete audio copy of remarks delivered by Senator Sherrod Brown during the Q&A segment in New Albany, Ohio, on October 18. The Lori Schottenstein Chabad Center, in conjunction with the Herbert Weyl Jewish Business Network, featured the senator as speaker to a group of approximately 50 voters. Members of the public could attend pursuant to a $25 donation. At least one citizen present during the discussion decided to record the remarks, although the Brown campaign has a history of hostility towards such actions. Recently, a Jewish constituent was forced to leave a Sherrod Brown event after asking a pointed question about the senator’s policies towards Israel.
Although Senator Brown talks often about bipartisanship, he is ranked by the Heritage Foundation as further to the Left than Senator Bernie Sanders, an admitted socialist. Will Ohio, with a reputation for a moderate political temperament, send a senator with such an extreme ideological bent back to DC? …
The article continues at Policymic.
CAJ note: As a matter of disclosure we want readers to know that we have donated to Josh Mandel’s campaign.
Update: Mandel Statistically Tied in Ohio
According to a new poll conducted by Josh Mandel’s campaign, there is a statistical tie between Mandel and incumbent Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown. A Public Opinion Strategies poll taken Oct. 16-17 showed Brown at 44% and Mandel at 43%.
Update 2: Ohio Senate: Mandel Calls Brown a ‘Liar’
In a debate last Thursday evening Josh Mandel, the Republican nominee for the Ohio U.S. Senate seat, called his opponent, radical leftist Sherrod Brown, a liar.
Sherrod Brown’s ACORN Video Disappears Just in Time for The Election
When you’re America’s most liberal senator locked in a tight race with a conservative challenger, it’s always a good thing when a damning YouTube that shows you praising organized crime disappears.