Nicholas Ballasy
( – National Public Radio President and CEO Vivian Schiller said Monday that NPR gets a “tremendous amount of criticism for being too conservative.”
At a luncheon at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Schiller was asked by a moderator: “Do you believe there’s an imbalance at NPR in terms of liberals and conservatives in the newsroom–I think I know which side they’d like to have better represented there–if the answer is yes, what do you propose to do about it?”
Schiller said, “You know, every news organization–I’ve worked now with three news organizations, but even every other, people I know from every other news organization I know–gets criticized about being too liberal, about being too conservative, about being too this, that and the other. It comes with the territory.
“So, certainly we do get criticized about all manner of things,” said Schiller…
The article, with video, continues at
H/T Weasel Zippers
At GatewayPundit, Jim Hoft has video of Schiller asserting “No Particular Bias” at NPR. Perhaps we should ask Juan Williams about her finding. Or, who can forget this op-ed piece on NPR’s website:
‘Learn To Speak Tea Bag’
New Animation From Independent Syndicated Columnist Mark Fiore
November 12, 2009
Learning a new language doesn’t have to be hard, especially when “Tea Bag” is so minimalistic! Mark Fiore offers his personal take in this animation. The Wall Street Journal dubbed Fiore “the undisputed guru of the form.” He creates political animation from an undisclosed location somewhere in San Francisco.
Interested in learning more about the origins of the ‘tea bag’ movement? Jay Nordlinger of The National Review breaks down where the term came from, what it means, and why it’s been embraced — and rejected — by conservatives and liberals alike.
You can read NPR Ombudsman Alicia Shepard’s thoughts on this cartoon here.
Here’s the quaint little video showing how stoopit and paranoid you bitter clingers are (and how hypocritical Fiore is).
BTW…related: Your tax dollars at work…again:
Wisconsin Protest Signs May Land in the Smithsonian
The Smithsonian may collect the Wisconsin union protest signs for their historical content.
click on the images for full size
CAJ note: Isn’t the family trip to the Smithsonian with your little “gods and geniuses” going to be just great?
Update: From Verum Serum, NPR’s Ron Schiller Confirms Organization’s Contempt for Anyone to the Right of Jimmy Carter.