Joel Valenzuela
The Western Center for Journalism
In addressing a crowd at the 2013 Western Hunting and Conservation Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah, NRA CEO and EVP Wayne LaPierre says that universal background checks are at the heart of the Obama administration’s anti-gun agenda.
Related: News outlet uses pro-gun rally to promote anti-gun rally
…WSPA reported on the National Day of Resistance Saturday evening in its 11 p.m. news broadcast. But in doing so it spent as much if not more time talking about an anti-gun rally that is scheduled for the following week than reporting on the pro-gun event itself. The organizer for the anti-gun rally was given an extensive interview…
Also, DOJ Memo: Gun Control Ineffective Without Forced Buybacks
A leaked internal memo from the National Institute of Justice–the research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice–shows that none of Obama’s gun proposals will work without registration and forced buybacks amounting to confiscation of Americans’ guns…
Update: Report: Senate Democrats Will Vote to Ban “Assault Weapons” on Tuesday