Obama Executive Order: Americans Must Be Tested For HIV / AIDS

Tim Brown
Freedom Outpost

Barack Obama issued an executive order on July 16, 2013 titled “HIV Care Continuum Initiative” which he claims will be a national movement and federal involvement in the war on HIV/AIDS. According to the executive order, recommendations are that HIV testing be administered for “all individuals ages 15 to 65 years” and this will be overseen by the US Preventative Services Task Force, coordinating with, you guessed it, criminal Kathleen Sebelius’ Department of Health and Human Services.

The exact language of the executive order reads:

“Based on these and other data, recommendations for HIV testing and treatment have changed. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends that clinicians screen all individuals ages 15 to 65 years for HIV, and the Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines for Use of Antiretroviral Agents now recommends offering treatment to all adolescents and adults diagnosed with HIV.”

…Sebelius and Valerie Jarrett have issued a statement claiming they know what’s best for Americans and that “scientific developments have advanced our understanding of how to best fight HIV” and “recent research also shows that an important benefit of earlier treatment is that it dramatically reduces the risk of HIV transmission to partners. Furthermore, HIV testing technology is faster, and more accurate than ever before, and HIV drug treatment is less toxic, and easier to administer.”



The complete article, with video, is at Freedom Outpost.


Also, While You Were Distracted, Obama Signs Executive Order  



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