John Nolte
Big Government
22 Sep 2012
Not only are we seeing the White House and State Department call more attention to the Mohammed-mocking “Innocence of Muslims” than any terrorist network ever could’ve hoped for, but the President’s indefensible scapegoating of the film and filmmaker to draw attention and blame away from U.S. security failures apparently knows no bounds.
Next week, Obama will denounce the film in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly:
National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor previews the president’s speech to the UN General Assembly next week:
“UNGA always provides an opportunity for the President to put the international situation in context, and to put forward a vision of US leadership. I would certainly expect the President to address the recent unrest in the Muslim world, and the broader context of the democratic transitions in the Arab World.”
“As he has in recent days, the President will make it clear that we reject the views in this video, while also underscoring that violence is never acceptable[.]
My God, between the media and the Obama White House, we are finally witnessing Orwell’s “1984” blossom to life…
The article continues at Big Government.
Also at Big Government, Obama Donor Connected to Freed Plotter of Benghazi Attack
Must Read: U.N. Chief Says Mohammad Movie ‘Cannot be Protected’ as Free Speech, at
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday the maker of an anti-Islam film that triggered violent protests across the Muslim world abused his right to freedom of expression by making the movie, which he called a “disgraceful and shameful act.”…
…Almost immediately after it was announced that “Piss Christ” would be making a surprise return to the Big Apple, Christian leaders and conservative lawmakers began accusing the Obama administration of religious hypocrisy, saying while the White House has been silent on the anti-Christian photograph, it has constantly and strongly condemned the low-budget anti-Muslim YouTube clip “Innocence of Muslims” that offended people of the Islamic faith and supposedly sparked unrest in the Middle East…