Obama's extraordinary response to security fiasco after Benghazi massacre

Toby Harnden
The Daily Mail [UK]
18 October 2012

President Barack Obama, during an interview to be shown on Comedy Central, has responded to a question about his administration’s communications after the Benghazi attack, by saying: ‘If four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal.’

Obama was speaking to Jon Stewart of The Daily Show for a programme to be broadcast tonight.

Stewart, a liberal whose audience of young voters is prized by the Obama campaign, asked the president about his handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi attack.

Ambassador Chris Stevens, diplomat Sean Smith and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Ty Woods were killed by terrorists on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 – an attack that the White House initially blamed on a spontaneous protest about an anti-Islam movie made in California…

The article continues at The Daily Mail.

President Barack Obama, left, speaking to Jon Stewart, right, on The Daily Show.


Related: US ‘Consulate’ in Benghazi was a hub for recruiting jihadis to fight for al Qaeda in Syria


Update: Those Wanting Obama Impeached Should Understand. . . 

Update 2: Video: Let’s ask young Obama supporters what they think about Benghazi

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