An American hero, Colonel Harry Tunnell IV, Commander of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, documented the truth about the war in Afghanistan.
What Obama is really doing in Afghanistan is treasonous.
Dated August 20, 2010, a letter was written to John McHugh, Secretary of the Army, signed by Colonel Harry Tunnell IV. In the letter, four significant factors about military operations in Afghanistan were revealed.
1. When US soldiers arrive in Afghanistan, they are told that they are fighting for the Afghan people:
“Soldiers join the military today to protect the United States, yet they are told once in Afghanistan that we are fighting for the Afghan people – this is a rather mercenary outlook and ignores the fact that the United States was attacked September 11, 2001.”
2. Contrary to the lies Joe Biden told the American people during the VP debate on October 11th, Afghan Security Forces are not able to be properly trained:
“The idea that Afghan forces can lead operations such as Marjah, as was touted in the media when the operation began, is pure fancy.”
“As part of our formula for success we place a remarkable amount of emphasis on the Afghan Security Forces without understanding the men who make up that force. It is very unlikely that we will be able to provide Afghans with a level of education and training to make them an independent and reliable force that can deny Afghanistan as a safe haven to terrorists…. The Soviet Union’s attempt to create a professional independent military collapsed as soon as the Soviets withdrew (from Afghanistan), which is what contributed to the ascendency of the Taliban. This should provide an obviously cautionary tale.”
“An overview of a few cultural behaviors of Pashtu men might help one make an informed assessment about the efficacy of plans requiring independent performance from Afghan Security Forces – to determine if the objective is consistent with the reality. This cultural information is well known, there are numerous anecdotal reports, and there is a growing body of research from Human Terrain Teams and others.”
“… Afghan security forces… lack of technical skills… Out of a class of ten at our recent academy to train a Fire and Rescue Service for Spin Boldak District, only two of the trainees had ever driven a vehicle – and that is giving credit to the trainee who had driven a tractor once or twice in his life. Even simple tasks… present challenges.”
“Attempts to integrate women into the security forces… Afghan males are among the greatest misogynists in the world. The Burqa is not a Taliban invention; it is a Pashtu cultural norm.”
“Health and hygiene will not be maintained at an acceptable level… Afghan military units – particularly small outposts – are bastions of filth.”
“Aberrant sexual behavior is acceptable. Considering the misogynistic culture… There is an acceptance of pedophilia that is wide spread and boys are sometimes kidnapped. Leaders have been known to sexually assault male subordinates…”…
…3. US military resources are misappropriated, leaving our US soldiers ill-equipped and vulnerable to greater risk of death and injury…
…We expose our own service members to greater danger for the convenience of our partners and the American taxpayer, who has provided this capability for the protection of Americans, is deceived.”…
…These truths in Colonel Tunnell’s letter are corroborated by the dramatic increase in US soldier fatalities, injuries and suicide under the Obama regime. As recorded by ICasualties, here are the number of fatalities and wounded to date:
- US Soldiers – Fatalities are now up 410% under Obama. (an average of 401 US soldiers per year under Obama versus 79 per year under Bush).
- US Soldiers – Wounded are up nearly 1200% under Obama. (an average of 4,010 US soldiers per year under Obama versus 330 per year under Bush).
- In addition, US soldier suicide rates have increased to levels never seen before. This began when Obama took over as Commander-In-Chief in 2009. Here is a June 2012 article. Here is a January 2010 article which describes the 2009 suicide rate as follows:
“…the toll of military suicides last year was the worst since records began to be kept in 1980.”
Recall that on the campaign trail in 2008, Obama told the American people that Afghanistan was the war we needed to be fighting. The media promoted this and the majority of Americans unfortunately believed it, along with all the other lies, and elected this man into the Presidency.
On September 21, 2009, eight months after Obama took office, John McHugh was sworn in as the Secretary of the Army. Let us be clear that John McHugh was Obama’s pick.
Less than a year later, in August 2010, John McHugh received Colonel Tunnell’s sobering letter and has done absolutely nothing to address the reality of the conditions on the ground in Afghanistan and the unspeakable risk to our beloved soldiers….
…Even if Obama loses in November, he will remain at the helm for another three months. That timeframe may prove to be the most dangerous for our soldiers and our country…
Read the complete article, with video of Trevor Loudon, at NoisyRoom.