Protests in French cities against plans to legalize gay marriage


Tens of thousands of people, joined by Catholic church leaders, marched in cities across France on Saturday to protest against government plans to legalize same-sex marriage.

Demonstrators, holding banners with slogans such as “don’t touch civil marriage”, “all born from the union of a man and a woman” and “one father + one mother for all children”, took to the streets in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and other major towns.

The organization behind the protests, called “Demos for All” in imitation of the “marriage for all” call of gay-marriage campaigners, claims the Socialist government’s reforms, which polls indicate have popular support, would threaten “major and dangerous upheaval”.

The organizers said 200,000 people demonstrated in the French capital, compared with a police estimate of 70,000.

France’s National Assembly is due to start examining the proposed law allowing same-sex marriage in January, with a vote expected in mid-2013. It would grant gay couples the right to adopt children but not to use assisted procreation methods.

Recent polls show the majority of French people support gay marriage, though not the right for homosexual couples to adopt…

The article continues at Reuters.

In more news from France: French doctors protest over cost-control efforts

Génération Identitaire occupy roof of mosque in Poitiers 

…The statement by Génération Identitaire explains, “Our generation refuse to see her people and her identity disappear through indifference. We’ll never be the Native Indians of Europe. From this place, important symbol of our past and bravery of our ancestors, we call to memory and fight!”

The statement expresses concern that 43% of the 18-50 year old inhabitants of Paris are immigrants or descendents of immigrants.

“A people can recover from an economic crisis or a war but not from the replacement of his native population: without French, there’s no more France.”

The statement concludes with a call to action, “Our fight has only just begun, we call the young Europeans to become heirs of their fate and to join the advance guard of the youth who stands tall.

“May all Europe hear our call: RECONQUEST!”

Associated Press reports that France is home to Western Europe’s largest population of Muslims, estimated to be at least 5 million, although there are no official government figures.

 The Identity movement, was founded in September 2012 and comprises ‘Génération Identitaire’, ‘Les Identitaires’ and ‘le Bloc Identitaire’.

The movement aims to defend the ethnic and cultural heritage of France…


At The Right Scoop:

Read more at the link.

Update: Moody’s downgrades France’s credit rating to AA1.  Agency says outlook remains negative, despite Hollande’s pledge that his reforms will reduce public deficit to 3% by 2013

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