15 June 2012
“Mr President, why do you favor foreign workers over Americans?”
~Journalist Neil Munro
The Daily Caller
shouted during Obama’s DREAM Act announcement today in the Rose Garden
In his own words: Neil Munro shares with The DC’s Nicholas Ballasy his thoughts on today’s events.
CAJ note: Don’t let MSM distract you. Neil Munro isn’t the story–just like Congressman Joe Wilson wasn’t back in September 2009 after President Obama denied the health plan would cover illegal immigrants. A crippled economy, massive unemployment or under-employment, amnesty for illegal immigrants, and a President who by-passed Congress and our Constitution (again)…these are the real issues. Neil Munro is simply a distraction who’s another unfortunate victim of the Alinsky treatment from the left.
Update: At Legal Insurrection it is noted that NBC has been giving Neil Munro’s question more coverage than Operation Fast and Furious.
Update 2: Obama and amnesty
…The distraction of the Daily Caller reporter interrupting the president was an amusing sidelight. Had Obama demonstrated humor and a benign manner, it might have been a good moment for him. Instead, he showed anger and the incident will probably lead to more interruptions as it seems to be the only way to ask this president a question.
Read the whole thing.