Rep. Blackburn Introduces Bill to Preempt FCC Internet Takeover

Warner Todd Huston
Emerging Corruption

Representative Marsha Blackburn (R, TN) has introduced a bill to preempt the December power grab by the Federal Communications Commission’s Chairman Julius Genachowski and she has made the bill bipartisan with the support of Democrat Dan Boren (Oklahoma).

Blackburn is reporting that 60 members support her bill to halt the FCCs efforts to take control of the Internet without legislative action.

Blackburn’s bill would place all rules governing the Internet in the purview of Congress and would take the issue out of the hands of the FCC.

“The FCC’s Christmas week Internet-grab points out how important it is that we pass this bill quickly,” Blackburn said in a statement to the media.

Last year, Blackburn appeared at a Heritage Foundation meeting and discussed this issue…

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