Rep. Maxine Waters Wants Tea Party ‘Racists’ Probes

“I want those people talked to; I want them interviewed,” Waters told the liberal Bill Press Radio show in a podcast. “I want journalists to be all over those rallies and the marches with the birthers and the teabaggers.”

California Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters wants TEA parties, conservative rallies and similar functions probed by the media in an effort to find and confront racists. She may have to put her racist witch hunt on hold since she’s under investigation by the House Ethics panel over her husband’s ties to a bank that received federal bailout funds.

H/T to Beans, Rice, and Gold

Los Angeles Times covers the House ethics investigation of Waters.

Perhaps someone should tell Congresswoman Waters, Senator Christopher Dodd, and the Hartford Courant that “teabaggers” is a crude slang term.

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