Alex Pappas
The Daily Caller
A new e-book on the Obama administration says presidential adviser David Axelrod is so popular with reporters that one privately admits to avoiding writing tough stories that would upset him.
Author Glenn Thrush doesn’t name the reporter in his “Obama’s Last Stand” e-book, but wrote that “Axe” is “so well liked a reporter told me he softened his stories to avoid ‘hurting his feelings.’”
Axelrod, a longtime Chicago political operative who founded AKPD Message and Media, was a top adviser to Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign.
He followed Obama to the White House as a senior aide until leaving the White House in 2011 to return to Chicago to work on Obama’s re-election…
I think we can all safely agree that journalism is now well and truly dead. However…
Book: Obama won’t hesitate to go negative on Romney
President Obama has personally signed off on and has no reservations about running a predominantly negative re-election campaign against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, according to Obama advisers cited in a new e-book.
“Obama desperately wanted to win, and the pivot to negativity was, people close to the president told me, not an especially agonizing one,” author Glenn Thrush wrote in the e-book “Obama’s Last Stand.”…
…[Thrush’s book] also describes Obama as “a cocky trash-talker,” though his “confidence … was not absolute.”…
Read the whole thing.
If George Orwell were alive today, the Obama administration would drive him to suicide.
“I don’t think that Gov. Romney is somehow responsible for the death of the woman that was portrayed in that ad. But keep in mind: This is an ad that I didn’t approve, I did not produce, and, as far as I can tell, [it] has barely run. I think it ran once.”
First came the lie. Then came the lie about Obama’s ties to the lie. And now he’s telling another lie about the original lie. “I didn’t tell the lie that you claim I did, and besides, I wasn’t the one saying it in the first place.” Stay tuned for his lie about that.
Of course, Obama wasn’t always so laid back about political attack ads by outside groups….
Keep reading!
Update: Obama Says When You Run For POTUS, Your Life Is An Open Book
Update 2: Sarasota gets a tasted of The Chicago Way™ : “Repeal Obamacare: Billboard Vandalized at Big Government.