Emily Friedman
ABC News
via Twitter
6 Oct 12
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The Right Scoop has the video: Mitt Romney gave a great speech tonight in Apopka, Florida and you can watch it…
Related: Obama Camp Mispresents Woman at Ryan Rally
Lisa Morrison of Fulton, Iowa is not very happy with the Obama campaign’s “misrepresentation” of her in a campaign statement. “I am outraged that my question is being misrepresented and used as a political tool against the Romney/Ryan campaign by both media and the Obama camp,” Morrison wrote to the Quad-City Times.
Obama attempted to claim that Mrs. Morrison attacked Paul Ryan at an Iowa campaign stop on Friday. But she says that wasn’t the case at all.
“I was not calling Ryan out,” she insisted referring to the Obama campaign’s characterization of her question.
On October 5, Paul Ryan appeared at a campaign rally in Clinton, Iowa where Morrison called on him to explain a bit more about his plan for the nation should he and Romney be elected in November.
As soon as the event was over, the Obama campaign highlighted Morrison’s question to Ryan and characterized it as an antagonistic confrontation. An Obama campaign statement was issued saying that Ryan, “can’t attend his own campaign rallies without being called out for failing to provide specifics about what Mitt Romney would do if elected.”
Morrison, however, vigorously disputes that portrayal of her question. In fact, she says she is a hearty supporter of Romney/Ryan…
Update: Obama Campaign Releases 10 Romney Attack Ads In Less Than 48 Hours…
…This extreme meltdown of Obama advertising focused especially on the debate, calling Romney “Dishonest,” “Misleading,” Untrustworthy,” and a, “Liar.” Most of them have specially selected footage from the debate. One even talks about, “Romney’s debate performance,” calling it “mostly false.”…
Update 2: Allen West campaigns for Mitt Romney at Romney campaign rally
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