Former U.S. defense secretary tells Fox News that international sanctions have had no impact on the Iranian regime. Given leaks at White House, Rumsfeld says he would not notify U.S. of Iran plans if he were in the Israeli government.
Eli Leon and Israel Hayom Staff
Israel Hayom
Former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld expressed firm support this weekend for Israel’s position on the Iran nuclear issue and said that international sanctions have not influenced the Iranian regime. Rumsfeld also said that if he were Israel, he probably wouldn’t notify the U.S. of an impending strike on Iran given the current state of the relationship and frequent leaks out of the White House.
“Well, I think the prime minister of Israel, [Benjamin] Netanyahu, is probably correct,” Rumsfeld said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Thursday. “Their intelligence on Iran is excellent.”
…”I think any prime minister of Israel who gets up every morning and reads in the newspaper that the leadership of Iran says that the Israeli state should be annihilated, eradicated, incinerated, has to know that it’s that prime minister’s responsibility to see that that doesn’t happen,” Rumsfeld continued…
Read the complete article at Israel Hayom.
H/T Instapundit
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