Sen. Inhofe Presses Administration on Law of the Sea

“This is the first time in history, that an international organization, the U.N. in this case, would possess taxing authority over this country.”


During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Senator Inhofe presses Secretary Clinton, Secretary Panetta, and Gen. Dempsey on the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).


H/T Patriots for America

RelatedThe Call for a Global Tax  The U.N. promotes leftist economics under the banner of “human rights.”

Update: Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on Energy and Climate Change Released by the White House, 19 May 2012.

Update 2The Green Monster The plans for your environmentally sensitive U.S. military.

…A few days ago, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta added fuel to the fire of an emerging controversy—just now capturing the attention of some members of Congress—by sharing his plans for the future of the military with a group of rapt environmentalists at an Environmental Defense Fund gala in his honor in Washington, D.C.

“Our mission at the Department is to secure this nation against threats to our homeland and to our people,” he said. “In the 21st century, the reality is that there are environmental threats which constitute threats to our national security. For example, the area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security: rising sea levels, to severe droughts, to the melting of the polar caps, to more frequent and devastating natural disasters all raise demand for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.”

Despite pending defense cuts that have had a dismayed Panetta pounding lecterns across the country, the Defense Secretary said DoD would be committing $2 billion in the next fiscal year alone to energy-efficient equipment and efficiency programs, and research and development for green technology.

Not so fast, Secretary Panetta.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a staunchly pro-military member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, takes the opposite view…

Read the whole thing.

H/T The Other McCain

Also, from Michael Ramirez:

A new report was released last week that stated we have spent $70 BILLION of DEFENSE FUNDS on climate change.

China is quickly modernizing and expanding its military and developing a blue water navy complete with aircraft carriers; Russia has threatened and invaded its neighbors while dedicating more money to upgrading their military; nuclear threats have arisen in the East and Middle East; there is a proliferation of 3 stage missile technology; there is a rising threat of islamic extremism and increasing instability throughout the world and this administration is responding by…. cutting back?

The Navy will cut two carrier battle groups and reduce the number of sea vessels to 238. Strategic bombers will be reduced from 153 to 101. Our fighter force will be cut in half. The budget for missile defense has been drastically cut… but you will be glad to know we are spending more than 4 times the amount it costs for regular jet fuel to use BIOFUEL? $4 a gallon for reg jet fuel vs $16 (or as high as $28) a gallon for biofuel. As Sen. Inhofe, senior member of the Senate Armed Services committe asked on the Senate floor last week, “Would you rather spend $4 billion on Air Force Base solar panels or would you rather have 28 new F-22s or 30 F-35s or modernized C-130s?” Considering a large portion of the jet fighters we use to defend America today were developed in the 60s and built in the 70s, that is a very good question and yesterday’s offering:

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