Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky gives the Tea Party’s response to President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union Address.
Politico has posted the transcript of the speech.
From Breitbart’s Big Government, Fact Check: State of the Union 2013
Update: What Joe Wilson said:
Ted Nugent’s SOTU response: Nugent: GOP ‘Has Lost Their Scrotum,’ Democrats ‘Ruthless’
Update 2: via Instapundit:
BING MEASURED AUDIENCE REACTION TO THE STATE OF THE UNION, and it tanked during the gun-control discussion.
Gun control is a movement of old, white people. By endorsing it, Obama just looks like a cornball brother.
Also from Instapundit, drunkblogging with VodkaPundit:
STEPHEN GREEN ON THE STATE OF THE UNION: “This is the ugliest/stupidest thing I’ve seen in 11 years of blogging, and I spent most of those covering George W. Freaking Bush. I know from stupid.”
Obama’s SOTUs Average a 9th Grade Reading Level
The Guardian has an interesting graphic showing the duration and reading level of every SOTU since the nation’s founding. I can’t paste it here because it’s interactive so you’ll have to click over and take a look. It seems that the reading level of the SOTU has been on a long steady decline with more recent Presidents at the bottom of the pack. President Obama’s SOTUs are at a 9th grade reading level on average, though it turns out 2009 was an outlier. His three other SOTUs (the current one hasn’t been rated yet) have been at an 8th grade level. President George W. Bush, routinely mocked by the left for his verbal gaffes, gave SOTUs at a 10th grade reading level…
Update 3: In State of the Union, Obama puts government at the center of American’s lives
President Barack Obama’s 2013 State of the Union speech aggressively placed government at the center of Americans’ lives, starting with a litany of government economic plans, and ending by celebrating Americans as the subjects of government…