
The following is from an email today from California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore who is mounting a challenge to run against Senator Barbara Boxer:

“Obamacare is what they want and they’ll get it anyway they can.

“Barbara Boxer and her liberal colleagues in D.C. intend to give you Obamacare whether you like it or not. This week it’s been reported that the Senate will pass Obamacare with a procedural vote.

“Word on the street is… you don’t like this at all. Recent polls indicate that nearly 60% of Americans have serious reservations about Obamacare. This jam down will not stop until we get new representatives in D.C. (Read about Chuck’s proposed healthcare reforms).”

At this date Assemblyman DeVore seems to be the best candidate to support among those running against Senator Boxer. If we at CAJ change our opinion, we will be forthcoming with that decision, and give our reasons for it.

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