Star Parker: Car Insurance Won’t Cover Your Neighbor’s Tune Up, So Why Should ‘My Health Insurance Cover Your Sex Life?’

Star Parker

Penny Starr

Speaking at one of the more than 130 “Stand Up for Religious Freedom” rallies around the country on Friday, activist and author Star Parker told the crowd gathered at the Health and Human Services building in Washington, D.C., that the government is trying to force its ideology on the people.

“Mountains of data point to the connection between traditional marriage and religion to civil order and economic prosperity,” Parker said. “Yet, we are here today, because our times necessitate that we defend both sexual integrity and religion from the onslaught of the same big government and social engineers that gave us the sexual revolution and the war on poverty.

“No more should my auto insurance cover your tune up, should my health insurance cover your sex life,” Parker said. “Not your Viagra, not your condoms, not your birth control devices, not your abortions.”

Parker said the Constitution was designed to protect people from that kind of government infringement…

The article continues at

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