Al Gore to Deliver Keynote to 10,000 Young Environmental Leaders at Power Shift 2011

Massive Summit to Convene in Washington April 15-18 to Take Action and Begin the Next Phase of the Movement to Solve the Climate Crisis

PR Newswire

WASHINGTON, March 25, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore will join 10,000 youth activists at Power Shift 2011 as the opening keynote speaker on […]

Energy Department: We Have ‘Mandate’ to Force ‘Market Transformation’ for Household Appliances

theblogprof 9/30/2010

Once again, the ruling class – in this case unelected appointees – is making decisions for the rest of us because they believe us to be too stupid to decide for ourselves. There is absolutely nothing in our lives too small for the federal government to want to control. That includes the microwave […]
