GOP set to roll out $2.5 trillion in cuts over next 10 years

…Obama – who has said he believes that cuts could hinder economic recovery if they are too draconian in the short term – is unlikely to support such a dramatic move to pull back on spending…

Ed Morrissey 1/20/2010

First came the ObamaCare repeal vote, and now Republicans on Capitol Hill will […]

Amtrak Passenger Detained For Discussing al Qaeda, Terror Tactics On Cell Phone

Dan Riehl RiehlWorldView January 29, 2010

Nuts coming out of the woodwork, or legitimate terror threats? What else can you do but try and find out in this day and age.

Ojore Nuru Lutalo, 64, was arrested Tuesday on an Amtrak passage from Los Angeles to Chicago. Passengers on the train alerted authorities after hearing […]

MT’s Rehberg pushing for Amtrak gun law Montana

Congressman Denny Rehberg wants a permanent law that will let Amtrak passengers to travel with guns.

Rehberg’s new bill stems from the appropriations process giving Amtrak riders the same rights as airline passengers. People who are flying can transport unloaded firearms in a securely locked container.

Rehberg says he expects the House will […]
