Jorge Ramos Admits to Ann Coulter: Bring All of Mexico to Live Here

Matthew Boyle Big Government 26 May 2015

…“More Nigerians than English since the 1970 immigration law,” she said. “Oh, that the people who passed the 1965 immigration law—Teddy Kennedy, the rest of the Democrats—they swore up and down it would not change the ethnic composition of this country. This has been the most dramatic […]

The Top 8 Consequences of Cantor's Defeat

Ben Shapiro Big Government 20 Jun 2014

On Tuesday night, one of the most stunning upsets in Congressional primary history took place, with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) losing his primary to economics professor Dave Brat. Brat campaigned on the platform that Cantor was a backer of amnesty legislation; heavy conservative media coverage […]

Christie Spars With GOP Again, This Time Over Common Core

Lisa Fleisher The Wall Street Journal 8/8/2013

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican who hasn’t backed down from fighting with the GOP, took on his fellow party members once again last week when he said they were wrong for opposing new education standards.

Mr. Christie, speaking at a charter-school conference, said Republicans who opposed […]

Mosque that Boston suspects attended has radical ties

Terror suspects, fugitives and radical speakers have passed through the Cambridge mosque that the Tsarnaev brothers are known to have visited.

Oren Dorell USA Today 4/24/2013

BOSTON — The mosque attended by the two brothers accused in the Boston Marathon double bombing has been associated with other terrorism suspects, has invited radical speakers to a […]

‘This is why people think you’re pussies!’

Ann Coulter Battles John Stossel and a Room Full of Libertarians

Becket Adams The Blaze 2/22/2013

…“Libertarians and pot,” Coulter laughed. “This is why people think libertarians are pu**ies.”…

…She continued:

We’re living in a country that is 70-percent socialist, the government takes 60 percent of your money. They are taking care of […]

Caddell Slams Coverage Of Benghazi: Media 'Enemies Of America' Breitbart TV 28 Oct 2012

“They have been in the tank on this in a way I’ve never seen. CBS, days after the President (in fact) told them he knew that there was an attack … I am appalled right now, this White House, this President, this Vice President, this Secretary of State, all […]
