Why the Woman Who Interviewed Abortionist Kermit Gosnell Couldn’t Speak for More Than Hour Afterward

Erica Ritz The Blaze 5/19/2015

Ann McElhinney recently interviewed Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder, for a movie she and her husband are making about the man. She said she couldn’t speak for more than an hour after the interview concluded because of how profoundly disturbing the experience was.


‘Hitler did not win’

21 photos commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz and a tweet quoting Pres. Obama

Twitchy 1/27/2015

…Survivors, dignitaries and world leaders including Prime Minister David Cameron of the U.K. gathered in Poland today to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

The BBC reports:

Those who survived Auschwitz lived through one […]

Where Steyn Goes, No Mann Goes

Mark Steyn Steyn Online 11/25/2014

…Dr Mann…claims to have suffered professional and emotional damage from what I wrote about him. So you’d think he’d want to be in the courthouse today – to underline by his presence the real victim in this, and the great wrong done to him. But no, he’s getting on with […]

Colorado Dems Push Sweeping Pro-Abortion Law

Law would limit the ability of state, local lawmakers to regulate abortions

Bill McMorris The Washington Free Beacon 4/16/2014

Colorado Democrats will attempt to push through one of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the country on Wednesday evening.

The Colorado Senate will debate a bill that would prevent lawmakers at the state and local […]

Grand Jury report on the crimes of Kermit Gosnell, read by Ann McElhinney

Phelim McAleer YouTube 4/10/2014

Ann McElhinney (Producer, Gosnell Movie) reading an extract from the Grand Jury report on the crimes of the abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.



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Update: Incomprehensible Horror: A Nearly Unbearable Video From The Producer Of The Gosnell Movie (video)

This is a new video released […]

Emails Contradict Kickstarter CEO's Claim Gosnell Movie Wasn't Rejected

Christian Toto Breitbart.com Big Hollywood 3 Apr 2014

The CEO of Kickstarter.com is denying that his crowdfunding site censored a campaign for a new documentary on abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

The filmmakers behind the project say they have the emails proving Kickstarter wouldn’t go forward unless certain disturbing language about Gosnell’s crimes was removed from their […]
