NYT’s David Brooks: Obama has ‘manhood problem’ in Middle East

Jessica Chasmar The Washington Times 4/20/2014

New York Times columnist David Brooks said Sunday that he believes President Obama’s foreign policy isn’t “tough enough” and that he has a “manhood problem” when it comes to dealing with leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Mr. Brooks expanded on Sen. Bob […]

Obama Waives Ban on Arming Terrorists to Allow Aid to Syrian Jihadis

Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs 9/16/2013

So he knows. Obama knows that the opposition is al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood, so he just waives the ban on arming our mortal enemy? Who died and made him dictator?

“Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition” The Examiner, September 16, 2013 (thanks to […]

Sen. Rand Paul: President Putin, America Is Exceptional

It is our exceptionalism—and our separation of powers—that has kept us out of war in Syria.

Sen. Rand Paul Time 9/13/2013

A recent op-ed by Russian President Vladimir Putin has prompted me to respond. While his position that the Syrian conflict can and should be settled through a political and diplomatic solution is correct, virtually […]

Bill Whittle: Umbrella Men: Neville Chamberlain and Barack Obama

Bill Whittle PJ Media YouTube 9/12/2013

Can personal charm stop a dictator? That’s what Neville Chamberlain thought he was going to do, when he implemented Plan Z. Of course it didn’t work, and World War II happened in spite of Chamberlain’s charisma and personal likability. It was Winston Churchill, the pompous and grumpy stalwart, who […]

Syria Dream Team: Obama, Brennan, and al-Zawahri

Andrea Shea King The Gateway Pundit 9/14/2013

WASHINGTON, September 14, 2013 ­— Three leaders in the fight to overthrow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad are President Barack Obama, who has positioned American military forces for a possible strike; CIA director John Brennan, who is openly supplying weapons and advisors to the Free Syria Army (FSA); Egyptian […]

Sen. Rand Paul Delivers Response to President’s Speech on Military Action in Syria

SenatorRandPaul YouTube 9/10/2013

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Related: Megan McArdle: Gee, Obama Sort of Went Out of His Way to Insult People Whose Support He Sought, Huh?

…His argument was, in essence: Republicans, you may not care about the freedom and dignity of foreigners, or children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital […]
