Living Large in the Obama White House

Here in America, it’s supposed to be small government, Big People. This is the New World, not the Old.


The hoi polloi aren’t welcome, but Marie Antoinette would be at home.

Charles C. W. Cooke National Review Online 3/8/2013

We are now firmly ensconced in the brutal Age of the Sequester, and […]

Obama Refers to Israel Concern Over Iran as 'Noise'

Daniel Halper The Weekly Standard 9/23/2012

No sweat—I’ll just make a speech.

In an interview to air tonight on CBS’s 60 Minutes, President Barack Obama will refer to Israel’s concern over Iran’s march toward a nuclear program as “noise.”

“When it comes to our national security decisions — any pressure that I feel […]

The President’s Week…in Pictures

Though not necessarily in chronological order…

19 September 2012

U.S. officials clarify administration description of two heroes in Libya attack

The Obama administration’s initial account of the Libyan consulate attack didn’t give the full story about two ex-Navy SEALs who helped repel the security breach until they were killed. Now officials are confirming those two […]

A witch-hunt in America?

Obama Aministration Jumps Into Action – Investigates Anti-Mohammad Filmmaker Update: Far Left Offers Assistance


click on the image to enlarge


Jim Hoft GatewayPundit 9/15/2012

The feds jumped into action yesterday and brought in the anti-Muhammad filmmaker for questioning. The AP reported:

A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming […]

The Big-Spending Obamas

Maybe it’s time for Debtors Anonymous — for the First Family and the nation.

Jim Geraghty National Review Online 6/5/2012

Does President Barack Obama know how much he is spending?

Critics of the president asked that question after he asserted, “Since I’ve been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 […]

Michelle Obama, Beyonce Wannabe

She markets Beyonce, a singer whose sexualized videos, song lyrics and inappropriate dress have prompted criticism from her own fans. How reckless of Michelle to push the soft porn ‘artistry’ of Beyonce onto a demographic already wandering around in a moral wilderness.

Anne BackyardConservative 5/31/2012

We know Michelle O has achieved quite a […]
