How are Obama and the IRS getting away with a blatant coverup?

Kyle Smith Opinion The New York Post 6/21/2014

…The thing about dogs eating homework is, it could actually happen. This can’t.

This is “the dog ate my hard drive, broke into another building, ate the backup of the hard drive, then broke into six other top officials’ offices and ate their hard drives also.”

What […]

'No More Lies, Mr. Cummings; Tell America the Truth'

Catherine Engelbrecht True the Vote 4/9/2014

Washington is reeling as Rep. Elijah Cummings’ (D-MD) true role in the IRS abuse scandal has come to light. Emails released by the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, of which Cummings is the ranking member, show Cummings and his staff communicating with Lois Lerner while the IRS targeted […]

Woodward’s and Wikipedia’s cozy and biased take on the Obama White House

Cliff Kincaid World Tribune 3/3/2013

If the White House will push Bob Woodward around on such a mundane matter as Obama’s role in a budget stand-off, what else will they do? A look at Wikipedia’s page on Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis might give us some indication. It is apparent that Obama supporters and […]

Beat the press: Reporters reveal how the Obama administration threatens and controls the media

Maureen Callahan The New York Post 3/3/2013

As coverage of last week’s flare-up between Bob Woodward and the White House devolved into the granular parsing of words and implications and extrapolations and possible intent, the larger point was roundly missed: the increasing pressure that White House correspondents feel when dealing with the Obama administration — […]

Sperling Admits Obama Misled in Debate: The President Did Propose the Sequester

Daniel Halper The Weekly Standard 3/3/2013

White House economic adviser Gene Sperling admits that, yes, in fact, the sequestration was President Obama’s plan.

“We put forth the design of” the sequestration, Sperling finally admits after a long back-and-forth:



Also, Gene Sperling Responds to Bob Woodward

CNN “Stater of The Union” WH […]

Obama is the closest thing to Nixon we’ve seen in 40 years

Patrick Caddell 2/28/2013

It is not without a bit of irony that, in the 40 years since the explosion of the Watergate story, Bob Woodward would again be under attack from the White House for trying to tell the truth. But this time the attack is coming from a Democrat.

While Barack Obama may […]
