Iraqi Caught Crossing US-Mexico Border Was Military Trainer and Spoke Fluent Russian

Brandon Darby Big Government 7 Apr 2015

Breitbart Texas exclusively obtained leaked information on the Iraqi man who was apprehended while illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into Texas on February 12, 2015. The Border Patrol agent responsible for interviewing the subject initially expressed concerns that the Iraqi was sent by Russia, largely due to […]


Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign Announcement

C-SPAN 3/23/2015

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) declared his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. He made the announcement from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

  . .  


The Washington Post has the transcript of the Senator’s speech here.  

  35 Things That Ted Cruz Asked Americans to […]

Adriana Cohen: U.S. must power up grid defenses

Adriana Cohen The Boston Herald 11/26/2014

Imagine a terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 or worse — in the dark.

With no ability to communicate, no Internet, no utilities, no fuel and no running water. And you can’t access money from an ATM because the electronic banking system where you live is disabled.

The […]

The Islamic State Is Here

Robert Spencer FrontPage Magazine 10/9/2014

…Top officials in Washington have known about how jihad terrorists have attempted to exploit the vulnerabilities of the southern border for many years now. In 2006, the House Homeland Security Investigations Subcommittee, under the leadership of Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), issued a report entitled A Line in the Sand: Confronting […]

ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?

Jim Geraghty National Review 10/8/2014

…Say What? ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across the Border’

Rep. Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, does not seem like a nut job or prone to wild exaggerations. But last night he said something that should make jaws drop:

Van Susteren: Hold on. Stop for one […]

Lawmakers Say Mexico Close to Releasing Marine Sgt. Tahmooressi from Prison

Andrew Tahmooressi has been held by Mexican authorities since March 31. (Photo via WSVN-TV)



Pete Kasperowicz The Blaze 10/1/2014

Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee said Wednesday that they believe Mexico will soon release Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine who has been held prisoner in Mexico after he crossed […]
