More about the State of the Union from Glenn Beck, others

Glenn Beck The Blaze TV 2/13/2013

Glenn breaks down some of the ridiculous ideas Obama laid out in his State of the Union.


Related: Sarah Palin fact-checks President Obama’s SOTU address

Tim Scott on Obama: “80 percent of what he says we never see come to fruition”

Obama Lied About Deficit […]

Obama did not talk to Libyans during Benghazi attack

Olivier Knox Yahoo! News 2/14/2013

Bowing to pressure from Senate Republicans, the White House disclosed on Thursday that President Barack Obama did not personally ask the Libyan government for help during September’s deadly terrorist attack on the American compound in Benghazi. Instead, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reached out on his behalf, according to a […]

Democrats bringing illegal immigrants as guests to State of the Union

Alex Pappas The Daily Caller 2/12/2013

A number of Democrats, including First Lady Michelle Obama, are bringing illegal immigrants as guests to the State of the Union on Tuesday.

But a spokeswoman with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency declined to comment to The Daily Caller on Tuesday about whether the agency approves of […]

Giuliani BLASTS Obama’s hurricane response as disgraceful

Where the hell are the generators and the bottled water?

The Right Scoop 11/5/2012

Rudy Giuliani, who knows a little something about disaster recovery and emergency response, says that if George W. Bush was doing what our campaigner-in-chief is doing while people don’t have water and generators nearly a week after the hurricane, the media […]

30,000+ Rally for Romney in...Pennsylvania


William Bigelow Big Government 4 Nov 2012

An enormous rally for Mitt Romney in Bucks County, PA had people incredulous and tweeting like fury:

@robertcostaNRO my mother is at the Bucks County Romney rally. Says she has never seen a crowd like this. Dwarfs the Bush ’04 rally crowd at the […]

Obama Campaigns In Vegas While Storm Victims Defecate In The Hallways And Rummage Through Garbage Dumpsters For Food

Michael The American Dream 11/2/2012

Will Hurricane Sandy turn out to be Obama’s Katrina? When the storm first hit, the media was full of praise for the way that Barack Obama was handling the crisis. But that was just based on the bold statements that Obama was making at the time. If those statements are […]
