In 2009 Obama Vowed to Veto Any Bill Undoing His $700 Billion Cuts to Medicare

The Lonely Conservative 8/14/2012

Listening to Obama and his surrogates out there attacking Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for proposing Medicare reforms for Americans younger than 55 is enough to make your head explode. It’s so completely and blatantly dishonest, I guess they just hope that if they keep telling the same lies people […]

Researchers: Obamacare cost estimates hide up to $50 billion per year

Neil Munro The Daily Caller 8/9/2011

Federal payments required by President Barack Obama’s health care law are being understated by as much as $50 billion per year because official budget forecasts ignore the cost of insuring many employees’ spouses and children, according to a new analysis. The result could cost the U.S. Treasury hundreds of […]

Geithner Admits: Interest Payments and Obligations in Obama’s Budget ‘Unsustainable’

Zip Weasel Zippers 2/17/2011

Someone just slipped up and told the truth.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner today admitted under questioning from Sen. Sessions that the president’s own budget, submitted Monday, calls for interest payments and obligations that are “excessively high” and “unsustainable.” The president’s plan accumulates $13 trillion in new gross debt, with interest payments […]

TARP program to cost U.S. taxpayers $25 billion, CBO says

Reuters via Los Angeles Times 11/29/2010

The U.S. Troubled Asset Relief Program, which risked up to $700 billion of government funds to bail out troubled banks and automakers, will cost taxpayers a mere $25 billion, according to an estimate released on Monday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

CBO’s latest assessment of the widely reviled […]

Obama shocked, shocked to find true political cost of ObamaCare

Ed Morrissey 11/8/2010

Maybe he’s just the Reuters of political prognosticators, or perhaps just a bit disingenuous. In an interview on CBS’ 60 Minutes, Barack Obama tells viewers that he found himself surprised by the political cost of passing ObamaCare, despite the months of angry town halls, massive political rallies, and polling that showed […]

U.S. Crash Looms Without Roadmap Directions

Caroline Baum Bloomberg BusinessWeek 7/7/10

July 8 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. debate over more government spending versus fiscal austerity is captivating the nation’s capital, dominating the airwaves and providing the best excuse in at least a millennium to recycle St. Augustine (“Lord, make me chaste, but not yet”).

What it has failed to do, with […]
