Paul Ryan announces intention to destroy conservative elements in his party

Unreal – Paul Ryan Announces Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Will Be His Chief of Staff…

sundance Conservative Treehouse 10/25/2015

With this announcement representative Paul Ryan is openly announcing his intention to destroy the conservative elements within the republican party. And yet again, its doubtful anyone will try to stop him.

The president of the U.S. […]

Tom Steyer stars as liberal donors gather

Kenneth P. Vogel and Andrew Restuccia Politico 4/13/2015

Billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer’s fingerprints are all over this week’s spring meeting of the Democracy Alliance — an indication that the influential coalition of liberal donors intends to spend big to elevate climate change, and that Steyer plans to be at the forefront of the push.

The […]

Solar Plant Wants to Pay Off Massive Government Loan with Massive Government Grant

Scott Schackford 11/11/2014

American taxpayers are on the hook for the Ivanpah solar project out in the California Mojave Desert close to the border of Arizona Nevada. The massive plant received $1.6 billion in loan guarantees from the Department of Energy to build it, out of a total cost of about $2.2 billion.

The […]

Mike Lee’s Plan To Fix Congress

Five Steps To Restore Trust, Transparency, And Empowerment

Sen. Mike Lee The Federalist 11/6/2014

…As a frequent critic of my party’s strategic timidity—and as incoming chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, whose job it is encourage bolder thinking and action—I thought it incumbent on me to offer some concrete, early, and hopefully constructive suggestions about […]

White House Ebola Czar Was ‘Key Player’ In Solyndra Scandal

Alex Griswold The Daily Caller 10/17/2014

Ron Klain, the newly appointed White House Ebola response coordinator, was one of the senior White House officials who advised that President Obama should visit solar power company Solyndra in 2011, despite an auditor raising red flags about the company’s finances.

According to The Washington Post, Klain was one […]

Ex-Im bank stand betrays Warren’s populist roots: Column

Massachusetts senator went to DC to fight for families, but she may end up backing corporations.

Shikha Dalmia USA Today 9/29/2014

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts rode to Washington — and progressive icon status – by promising “to work for the middle class and working families every chance I get” and, unlike Mitt Romney […]
