Meet the Mild-Mannered Investment Advisor Who's Humiliating the Administration Over Obamacare

David Weigel 11/11/2014

Rich Weinstein is not a reporter. He does not have a blog. Until this week, the fortysomething’s five-year old Twitter account had a follower count in the low double digits.

“I’m an investment advisor,” Weinstein tells me from his home near Philadelphia. “I’m a nobody. I’m the guy who lives in […]

Obamacare victimizing cancer patients

Thomas Lifson American Thinker 11/12/2013

Cancer, the most feared disease in America, just got scarier thanks to Obamacare. Despite the barrage of propganada claiming our health care system is in “crisis,” the fact is that if you are diagnosed with cancer, the best country in the world to receive treatment is the United States, by […]

Pro-Obamacare team trains reporters on covering Obamacare website problems

Joel Gehrke The Washington Examiner 11/6/2013

Reporters with the Society of American Business Editors and Writers received “training” on how to cover Obamacare’s rollout from a policy expert who works with President Obama’s former health information technology adviser.

The Commonwealth Fund’s Sara Collins claimed during the training that’s chronic dysfunctionality does not signify “deeper […]
