The Black Book of the American Left: Volume I: My Life and Times

“A key to understanding the mentality of the left is that it judges itself by its best intentions, while judging its opponents – America chief among them – by their worst deeds.”



Barbara Kay FrontPage Magazine 1/10/2014

…Horowitz was, like so many other Jewish sons and daughters of his generation, a […]

Bye-Bye, Privacy

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”


The other problem with

Jonathan V. Last The Weekly Standard Vol. 19, No. 10 11/18/2013

Americans are methodically dealing with the Kübler-Ross stages of Obama-care grief, with our national healing process moving […]

How David Horowitz Revealed the Truth about Ralph Miliband’s Legacy…

…What it Should Teach the British Left

Ron Radosh PJ Media 10/12/2013

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You may not know the name Ralph Miliband, but by now, the late Marxist professor is a household name in the UK. He was the father of the Labor Party’s leader and possible future PM, Ed Miliband. When the conservative […]

Fight Fire With Fire

David Horowitz FrontPage Magazine 9/2/2013

…How is it possible that his opponents have not buried him under his own disasters? How did two successive presidential candidates, McCain and Romney characterize this selfish, malicious, leader — selling hope while delivering misery — as a “good man,” and someone who only lacked experience for the job? How […]

Breitbart Editor-at-Large Shapiro to Launch Anti-Media Matters Counterpunch With David Horowitz Big Journalism 11 Aug 2013

Beginning next month, Breitbart News Editor-At-Large Ben Shapiro will be leading the launch of a new project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center:, an activism program designed to “unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding […]

Kathy Boudin, Columbia Professor: The Whole Story

Ace Ace of Spades HQ 4/4/2013

And it’s a very ugly story.

The Days of Rage scared off much of the mainstream support for the SDS, leaving only the most radical. In December of 1969, the SDS War Council was held in Flint, Michigan. Largely led by members of the Weather Underground, what came to […]
