Psych Report Confirms D'Souza 'Well-Adjusted'

Dem judge refuses to accept conclusion Obama critic made ‘mistake for good motives’

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 7/19/2015

NEW YORK – A psychiatrist’s report reviewed by WND confirms statements from defense attorney Benjamin Brafman to U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman in a sentencing review hearing in Manhattan that his client, filmmaker and bestselling author […]

Just like the old Soviet Union: Dem judge orders psych counseling for D'Souza

Clinton appointee ignored physicians, orders more treatment for Dinesh

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 7/13/2015

NEW YORK – At a hearing Monday in Manhattan in which he ruled filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza must continue community service for four more years, U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said he considers D’Souza’s violation of federal campaign-finance laws to be […]

Dinesh D’Souza, freed from nightly confinement, preparing new book, film for 2016 election

Jerome R. Corsi WorldNetDaily 6/1/2015

NEW YORK – Sunday morning, at 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time, filmmaker and bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza rolled up his bedding at the community confinement center in San Diego that had been his nightly home for eight months and placed it in a plastic bag for the last time…

…On the […]

Justice Department ready to clear Darren Wilson

Kelly Cohen The Washington Examiner 1/21/2015

The Justice Department is ready to clear Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown.

Federal prosecutors have begun crafting a memo recommending no civil rights charges be filed against Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot the Brown in August in Ferguson, Mo. It is not clear when […]

Judge Orders Travel Ban On Dinesh D’Souza

Yehuda Remer Truth Revolt 10/24/2014

A federal judge has placed a travel ban on conservative author/film maker Dinesh D’Souza. confining him to San Diego. reports, “U.S. District Judge Richard Berman, in a hearing in New York City Oct. 15, ordered that D’Souza must not leave San Diego County while the eight months at the […]

Dinesh D’Souza to Film His Court-Ordered Community Service

Adelle Nazarian Breitbart California 7 Oct 2014

Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, who was sentenced late last month to five years’ probation and eight months of community service for violating federal campaign finance laws, revealed to Breitbart News that he will be documenting and broadcasting his court-ordered community service for the public to see.

