Holiday Document Dump: 1,300 Pages Of Obamacare Regs On July 4th Eve

Larry O’Connor

Truth Revolt


The Department of Health and Human Services released nearly 1,300 pages of new regulations related to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) at 4:15 Thursday, just as the nation was beginning their Independence Day holiday weekend, The regulations deal with payment rates to doctors and hospitals. How doctors get paid by […]

RAND Corp Comes Clean: Obamacare's Exchanges Enrolled Only 1.4 Million Previously Uninsured Individuals

Avik Roy Forbes 4/9/2014

Last week, I wrote about an article in the Los Angeles Times, on a then-as-yet unpublished report from the RAND Corporation. The report indicated that only one-third of Obamacare’s purported 7.1 million exchange sign-ups were from the previously uninsured. But Noam Levey, the author of the Times article, didn’t disclose RAND’s […]

How ObamaCare slaps the sick

Betsy McCaughey The New York Post 3/4/2014

“Lies,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calls the TV ads that feature people complaining about ObamaCare. Sorry: The people in those ads are sick, but their new health policies don’t let them see the specialists or get the medications they need.

These patients aren’t liars; they’re people President […]

Democrats Continue ObamaCare Manipulation

Rushing To Cancel Medicare Cuts They Asked For, Trying To Turn This Into Political Win

Joseph R. Carducci Downtrend 2/22/2014

…You may or may not remember, but last month the HHS announced that Medicare cuts are on their way. These were actually written into the ObamaCare law, and the insurance companies have already reacted to […]

WaPo: Obamacare’s Limits on Doctors Will ‘Make People Furious’

Wynton Hall Big Journalism 13 Jan 2014

Washington Post health care reporter Sarah Kliff said Monday that the next wave of Obamacare outrage will hit as Obamacare enrollees discover that their choice of doctors and hospitals is about to shrink dramatically.

“Obamacare’s narrow networks are going to make people furious – but they might […]

Administration Concedes: Obamacare Is Prohibitively Expensive

Spencer Cowan The Weekly Standard 12/23/2013

In a rare moment of candor, the Obama administration has acknowledged that the so-called Affordable Care Act is making insurance less affordable for millions of Americans.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services the other night issued a press release that outlines new options for the nearly 5 million […]
