House Plans Hearing on SRO for Advisors for Sept. 13; Federal Reserve Still Paying Big Banks Not to Lend

Kristen French Registered Rep. 8/30/2011

The House of Representatives Financial Services Committee’s capital markets subcommittee plans to hold a hearing on Sept. 13 on the regulation of broker/dealers and investment advisers.

The subcommittee is expected to review who should be responsible for examining investment advisers. It may also review whether a fiduciary standard should be […]

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2T in Secret Loans

Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz Bloomberg 8/21/2011

Citigroup Inc. (C) and Bank of America Corp. (BAC) were the reigning champions of finance in 2006 as home prices peaked, leading the 10 biggest U.S. banks and brokerage firms to their best year ever with $104 billion of profits.

By 2008, the housing market’s collapse forced those […]

Warren out at CFPB after Issa hearing?

Ed Morrissey 7/16/2011

Elizabeth Warren will exit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before it officially launches, according to a single-sourced Bloomberg report last night. According to an unnamed “briefed” person, Obama will dump the controversial Warren for someone already working at the CFPB, and the announcement will come next week:

Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard […]

The Billion-Dollar Bank Heist

How the financial industry is buying off Washington—and killing reform.

Newsweek 7/10/2011

…Take what’s been happening with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is the law’s most significant and controversial provision. The agency is set to go live next week, except that Republicans in the Senate have made it clear they won’t confirm anyone to […]

Did Elizabeth Warren lie to Congress?

Jonathan Strong The Daily Caller 6/17/2011

Newly obtained documents raise the question of whether Elizabeth Warren, a top aide to President Obama and liberal darling, lied to Congress in downplaying her role in ongoing settlement negotiations over a major legal dispute.

Warren, who has said she is “advising” the President on establishing the nascent Consumer […]

Darrell Issa to Elizabeth Warren: Clear a full day on your June calendar, we’ve got more questions

“ are causing problems … we had to change everything on my schedule to try to accommodate your time…”

“czar” Elizabeth Warren to Congressman Patrick McHenry 24 May 2011

Jonathan Strong The Daily Caller 6/1/2011

Elizabeth Warren, a top Obama aide and liberal darling, recently told the Republican chairman of a […]
