Meet the Mild-Mannered Investment Advisor Who's Humiliating the Administration Over Obamacare

David Weigel 11/11/2014

Rich Weinstein is not a reporter. He does not have a blog. Until this week, the fortysomething’s five-year old Twitter account had a follower count in the low double digits.

“I’m an investment advisor,” Weinstein tells me from his home near Philadelphia. “I’m a nobody. I’m the guy who lives in […]

Will you be able to afford to live?

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 7/15/2014

“Under my plan, energy costs will necessarily skyrocket.” Barack Obama uttered these words in a candid moment while speaking to reporters in 2008. But he failed to include food, over the counter drugs, coffee, milk, and a host of other necessities for survival.

The question, however, is, will you, the […]

ObamaCare Architect Doesn’t Know the Difference Between Birth Control and Blood Transfusions

Daniel Greenfield FrontPage Magazine 7/5/2014


…The justices in the majority go to great lengths to state that the Hobby Lobby decision is limited to contraception. But no principle differentiates contraception from blood transfusions or vaccines—or, for that matter, any other health-care services that employers find objectionable on sincerely held religious grounds.

I realize that […]

How ObamaCare slaps the sick

Betsy McCaughey The New York Post 3/4/2014

“Lies,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid calls the TV ads that feature people complaining about ObamaCare. Sorry: The people in those ads are sick, but their new health policies don’t let them see the specialists or get the medications they need.

These patients aren’t liars; they’re people President […]

Obamacare Architect: ‘Be Prepared to Kiss Your Insurance Company Good-Bye Forever’

Jason Howerton The Blaze 3/3/2014

Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects behind Obamacare, is now claiming that “insurance companies as we know them are about to die.” Critics of President Barack Obama’s signature health care law have long alleged that one of the real goals of the law was to put private insurance companies out […]

California Health Exchange Shares Consumer Data Without Consent

The Washington Free Beacon 12/9/2013

The California health exchange has been giving the names of tens of thousands of consumers to insurance agents without getting their permission.

In an attempt to hit deadlines for coverage, data from individuals who have gone on to the health exchange to research insurance options but didn’t ask to be […]
