Leftist organizers are using Ferguson to rehearse the Big Ugly

Lee Cary American Thinker 12/1/2014

…The American Welfare State is unsustainable — destined for significant downsizing by cold, impassionate, apolitical Arithmetic.

All except the most hardcore leftist pols inside the Beltway know this to be true, but it remains mostly unspoken.

The first line of defense for those who would sustain the life of the […]

Peter Schiff, author who predicted economic crash, reacts to debt-ceiling deal

Faith Braverman The Daily Caller 10/17/2013

cialis medication

Peter Schiff is a businessman and author that was known by many as “Dr. Doom” before he became widely credited with foretelling the U.S. economic crisis years before it occurred. During a phone interview, The Daily Caller picked his brain about the current economic crisis, the […]

Banning Gold Coins & Confiscating Coins From Safe Deposit Boxes to Help the Economy

Mark Dice YouTube 9/16/2013

Obama supporters in San Diego, California sign a petition to ban and confiscate gold coins from people’s homes and safe deposit boxes as part of the President’s economic recovery plan. Author and media analyst Mark Dice uses the key words “will you help Obama” and that’s all it takes for people […]

World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve

Alex Newman The New American 22 May 2013

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, […]

Soros says gold safe haven no more, but sees cbank support

Reuters 4/8/2013

Institutional investor George Soros said gold has been destroyed as a safe-haven asset, but expects continued central bank buying to support prices, the South China Morning Post reported.

“Gold was destroyed as a safe haven, proved to be unsafe. Because of the disappointment, most people are reducing their holdings of gold,” Soros told […]

Economist Jim Rogers talks with Glenn Beck

The Blaze TV 2/13/2013

Part 1. Jim Rogers weighs in on the economic impact of President Obama’s policies


Part 2. Jim Rogers continues his discussion with Glenn on the state of the country and the economy:



Related: Jim Rogers to Moneynews: ‘We Should Be Terrified’ Because Fed Tactics ‘Going to […]
