Rush Limbaugh Reveals Why GOP ‘Didn’t Want a Tea Party Candidate’ to Win in Virginia

Jason Howerton The Blaze 11/6/2013

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said his prediction in the Virginia governor’s race came true on Wednesday when Republican Ken Cuccinelli lost to Democrat Terry McAuliffe. In Virginia, Limbaugh argued, “the GOP simply didn’t want a Tea Party candidate winning there.”

“They just didn’t,” he said. […]

Republican turncoats: naming the names

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 7/31/2013

In a previous Examiner report it was noted that talk radio host and attorney Mark Levin, who served in the Reagan Administration, had not only lamented but lambasted the elitist leadership establishment of the Republican Party for being just as dangerous as Democrats.

Levin cited various and sundry votes and […]

Former VA Gov. Doug Wilder Appears at Romney Fundraiser

Bryan Preston The PJ Tatler PJ Media 8/16/2012

At a fundraiser at the Richmond, VA Marriott tonight for the Romney campaign, there was a surprise guest. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell introduced Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who in turn introduced Rep. Paul Ryan. But before McDonnell took the mic, another figure was acknowledging dignitaries in the […]

Virginia NDAA Nullification Bill Passes Senate Committee 8-4

Michael Boldin Tenth Amendment Center 2/22/2012

About an hour ago, Virginia House Bill 1160 (HB1160) which recently passed the House of Delegates by a vote of 96-4, was approved by the Senate Courts of Justice Committee. The vote was 8-4 with 3 abstentions.

The legislative goal of HB1160 is to codify in Virginia law noncompliance […]

Obama’s Virginia Defeat

Democrats were trounced in Tuesday’s state legislature election, despite the president’s heavy investment of time in the state.

Kimberley Strassel The Wall Street Journal 11/11/2011

Of all the noise of this week’s state election results, what mattered most for Election 2012 came out of Virginia. It was the sound of the air leaking out of […]

The RGA’s All-Out Sales Pitch for a Pence Gubernatorial Bid

Jim Geraghty National Review Online 1/27/2011

Well, this explains a bit: I’m told that Mike Pence was the first candidate recruitment call that Texas Gov. Rick Perry made as chairman of the Republican Governors Association, and that RGA Vice Chairman Bob McDonnell and Executive Director Phil Cox had a follow-up meeting with Pence yesterday in […]
