Senate Panel Tells Kerry: You Were ‘Fleeced, Bamboozled’ By Iran

Newsmax 23 Jul 2015

US Secretary of State John Kerry faced accusations Thursday that he had been “fleeced” and “bamboozled” by Tehran as he defended the Iran nuclear deal publicly for the first time on Capitol Hill.

Kerry appeared before the Senator Foreign Relations Committee to defend the hard-fought agreement, which he called a “good […]

EU, U.N. Security Council approve Iran nuclear agreement

Rick Moran American Thinker 7/20/2015

Both the European Union and the U.N. Security Council voted to approve the nuclear agreement with Iran today, clearing the way for a lifting of sanctions once the International Atomic Energy Agency signs off on Iran’s compliance.

What about the U.S. Congress? Irrelevant…

…these votes have allowed President Obama to […]

Obama’s Failure to Understand the Symbols of his Office

Keith Koffler White House Dossier 6/22/2015

I wonder what would happen if nine people were murdered in a church and a Republican president jetted out to the West Coast for four days of fundraising and golf. Surely, the sensitivity police would have been brought out in force and locked down the nation’s airwaves, commenting on […]

'Skeptical' Canada Won't Lift its Iran Sanctions

Canadian officials say they will only ease sanctions if Iran demilitarizes its nuclear program, noting Iran’s record isn’t trustworthy.

Dalit Halevy, Ari Yashar Arutz Sheva/Israel National News 4/6/2015

The Canadian government has not shared US President Barack Obama’s enthusiasm over the deal reached with Iran over its nuclear program last Thursday, by which the Islamic […]
