Soros says gold safe haven no more, but sees cbank support

Reuters 4/8/2013

Institutional investor George Soros said gold has been destroyed as a safe-haven asset, but expects continued central bank buying to support prices, the South China Morning Post reported.

“Gold was destroyed as a safe haven, proved to be unsafe. Because of the disappointment, most people are reducing their holdings of gold,” Soros told […]

Sessions: Jack Lew must ‘never’ be Treasury secretary

Erika Johnsen HotAir 1/10/2013

President Obama officially nominated Jack Lew to replace Tim Geithner at the Treasury Department on Thursday afternoon, asserting his faith in Lew’s abilities to aid the rebuilding of the economy…

…Republican from Alabama and Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, Sen. Jeff Sessions, does not agree.

Jack Lew must never […]

Oil Funded Al Jazeera Makes Al Gore Richer Than Mitt Romney

Katie Pavlich Townhall 1/8/2013

New oil profiteer Al Gore is now richer than Mitt Romney according to Forbes. What put him on top? His recent sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera for a cool $500 million, which makes him worth $300 million. Gore received a $100 million cut of the deal last week and […]

Rand Paul: We Should Let Dems Raise Taxes And Then Let Them Own It

Ian Schwartz Real Clear Politics 12/6/2012

SEN. RAND PAUL: I have yet another thought on how we can fix this. Why don’t we let the Democrats pass whatever they want? If they are the party of higher taxes, all the Republicans vote present and let the Democrats raise taxes as high as they want to […]

'Special Report' on the Obama Team’s Evolving Stories on the Benghazi, Libya U.S. Consulate Terrorist Attack

Brian Freedom’s Lighthouse 9/28/2012

Here is a Fox News “Special Report” segment from last night that goes into detail on the Obama Administration’s evolving story on what happened in Benghazi, Libya with the attack on the U.S. Consulate there that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

This is an outstanding report, that […]

Giuliani Wonders Whether Biden Has ‘Mental Capacity’ for Presidency

Robert Costa The Corner National Review Online 8/14/2012

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow tonight that Vice President Biden may be unfit for office. Here’s the transcript:

KUDLOW: You know, what did he say? ‘Y’all going to be put back in chains’? That almost has racial overtones, Rudy Giuliani. What’s your […]
