Louisiana teachers hope to recall Jindal

Robby Soave The Daily Caller 8/14/2012

Foes of school choice and other conservative education reforms have lined up to recall Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. But unlike the intense campaign in Wisconsin, no one expects this effort to even qualify for the ballot.

“They really have no chance of actually getting enough signatures,” said Kevin Mooney, […]

Keystone XL: It Was Never About The Environment

Bruce McQuain Conservative Commune 4/11/2012

In Nebraska, where environmental groups had protested the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline because it would pass through the “environmentally sensitive” Sand Hills, they are now protesting a proposed solution as well…

…this has never been about “environmentally sensitive” areas. It has been about stopping this pipeline because it […]

EPA’s Absurd Defense of Its Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Daniel Simmons Institute for Energy Research 9/23/2011

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently filed a court brief in its ongoing litigation over the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Amazingly, they are saying it would be absurd to follow the law. I’m not joking, as I will demonstrate below. The Institute for Energy Research (IER) has […]

Shirley Sherrod to sue Andrew Breitbart

Ousted USDA employee Sherrod plans to sue blogger

Jesse Washington Associated Press 7/29/2010

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted a video edited in a way that made her appear racist.

Sherrod was forced to resign as director of rural development in […]

Judge orders New Haven to promote firefighters

by William Kaempffer New Haven Register Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NEW HAVEN — A U.S. District Court judge, under instruction by the Supreme Court decision, today issued an judgment finding the city violated the civil rights of a group of white firefighters when it threw out two promotional exams in 2004, and ordered the city […]
