Second Amendment wins big in historic Colorado recall

Joe Saunders BizPac Review 9/11/2013

It’s a shot heard ‘round the world of Second Amendment rights.

In the first recall elections in the state’s history, Colorado voters on Tuesday threw out two state senators — including the Democrat Senate president – who became symbols of the state’s heavy-handed crackdown on gun rights.

State Senate President […]

Democratic anti-gun ‘guide’ urged using Trayvon Martin’s death to hit NRA, guns

Paul Bedard The Washington Examiner 8/8/2013

Newly uncovered Democratic anti-NRA talking points urge anti-gun advocates and politicians to hype high-profile gun incidents like the Florida slaying of Trayvon Martin to win support for new gun control laws.

In talking points likely followed by top Democratic leaders including President Obama after the Sandy Hook Elementary School […]

Overturning Bloomberg’s Big Beverage Ban, Appeals Court Notes That Mountain Dew Is Not Malaria

Jacob Sullum Reason Magazine 7/30/2013

Today a state appeals court panel unanimously ruled that the New York Board of Health exceeded its regulatory authority when it enacted Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s big beverage ban. The decision upholds a March 11 ruling by a state judge, Martin Tingling, who blocked the widely derided soda serving ceiling before […]

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Rally Names Boston Marathon Bomber as Victim of Gun Violence

Awr Hawkins Big Government 19 Jun 2013

At a June 18 gun control rally in New Hampshire sponsored by New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns group, the name of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was read aloud as a recent victim of gun violence.

Throughout the rally, organizers read a list of […]

Pro-gun Republican wins vacated Democrat seat in Connecticut

David Codrea Gun Rights Examiner 6/13/2013



Special election victor Sam Belsito shows being pro-gun is not the liability some would have politicians believe. Credits: Sam Belsito for State Representative


A political theme being advanced by “progressives,” that pro-gun support is going to cost politicians their seats, got a harsh reality […]

UN Agenda 21 frustrated by property rights advocates

Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow 6/1/2013



Saturday, June 1, 2013

Property rights vs. UN Agenda 21

ICLEI attendees dismayed over growing grassroots opposition


(Bonn) For years Green campaigners have been quietly waging an effective campaign to advance the more radical aspects of the UN’s Agenda 21 […]
