2011 Flashback: DHS Secretary Napolitano Says No ‘Logic’ In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35

Soopermexican 4/19/2013

…“You’re not using good logic there. You’ve got to use actual intelligence that you received. And, so, you might — all you’ve given me is a kind of status. You have not given me a technique for tactic or behavior. Something that would suggest somebody is not Muslim, but Islamic, that has actually […]

Beck: ‘After what I have learned this week I’m a changed person.’

Glenn Beck 4/19/2013

…”Think about the thing we were discussing passing this week. Gun control because we have to be able to protect. Because the government can protect you. We were talking about talking about making it more difficult to buy guns while somebody just blew the legs off American citizens. With what? Guns? No. […]

Boston’s Mayor Menino: VP promised action on gun control by month’s end

Dave Wedge The Boston Herald 1/3/2013

Vice President Joe Biden “guaranteed” Mayor Thomas M. Menino — a leading national gun control advocate — that President Obama will pass sweeping firearms reforms by the end of the month, the mayor said today.

“He said, ‘Tommy, I guarantee you, we’ll get it done by the end of […]

Dershowitz: Anti-Chick-fil-A Mayors ‘Showing Terrible Intolerance’

Patrick Hobin and John Bachman Newsmax 29 Jul 2012

Mayors who have told the owners of Chick-fil-A that the restaurant chain is not welcome in their cities are displaying “terrible intolerance,” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview.

No city is free to discriminate against a company based on the views […]

The Tolerance Enforcers

They’re ever more intolerant of anything less than total ideological homogeneity.

Mark Steyn National Review Online 7/28/2012

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino


…Dan Cathy, president of Chick-fil-A…remarked that “we are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and […]

Rahm backs down: We never said we’d block Chick-fil-A from Chicago, says spokesman

Allahpundit HotAir.com 7/27/2012

It grieves me to say it but I think we might owe Mike Bloomberg for this. When even America’s most meddlesome micro-managing mayor endorses the libertarian approach on this subject, the Overton window of acceptable state interference is closed. Best for Rahm to have a spokesman issue a quiet climbdown and then […]
