'Pelosinado' Crosses Aisle Twice, Calls Rep. Marino 'Insignificant'

The David Madeira Show 8/2/2014

In what ABC News is calling “an unusual breach of decorum, even for the divided Congress, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi chased local Rep. Tom Marino across the House floor…”

What most media reports are overlooking is that she not only chased him, she further violated protocol by addressing him […]

Gun Rally Brings Thousands of Supporters to State Capitol

CBS Local News Connecticut 4/5/2014

HARTFORD (CBS Connecticut) _ An estimated crowd of more than 3,000 gun rights supporters rallied outside the State Capitol Saturday in opposition to gun control measures passed a year ago in response to the Sandy Hook School Tragedy.

Among those attending the rally was Bill Stevens, a Newtown father who […]

The Problem With Guys Like Martin Bashir

Lonely Conservative 11/19/2013

…That’s right. Wrapped in the language of literary allegory, Bashir is saying he’d like to see someone assault and abuse Sarah Palin in this horrifying fashion.

And no one at MSNBC bats an eye? This is deemed acceptable discourse?

What would MSNBC say if a conservative had talked about defecating on, say, […]

Bye-Bye, Privacy

“You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transiting or stored on this information system.”


The other problem with HealthCare.gov

Jonathan V. Last The Weekly Standard Vol. 19, No. 10 11/18/2013

Americans are methodically dealing with the Kübler-Ross stages of Obama-care grief, with our national healing process moving […]

It's not often a politician running for office actually tells you the truth

McAuliffe: ‘I Don’t Care What Grade I Got from the NRA,’ More Gun Control Necessary

Awr Hawkins Breitbart.com Big Government 25 Oct 2013

My wife glad to see me in action again 🙂 I’m gonna buy new bed this week, haha. Viagra cheap! There are a lot of legitimate mail-order pharmacies in this country.

Speaking […]

Obama taking action on gun background check system

Nedra Pickler Associated Press Yahoo! News 4/19/2013

Blocked by Congress from expanding gun sale background checks, President Barack Obama is turning to actions within his own power to keep people from buying a gun who are prohibited for mental health reasons.

Federal law bans certain mentally ill people from purchasing firearms, but not […]
