The Case That Could Topple Obamacare

Pema Levy Newsweek 12/17/2013

Obamacare may have its problems, including more bugs than you can find in the cornfields of Nebraska, but its legal worries were meant to end after the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate, the heart of the Affordable Care Act.

Now, as the technologists charged with making work report progress, […]

Liberal law prof: Obama’s unconstitutional power grabs are creating a ‘very dangerous and unstable system’

“The president is outside the line, but it has to go in front of a court, and that court has to grant review, and that’s where we have the most serious constitutional crisis I view in my lifetime, and that is this body is becoming less and less relevant.”

~Professor Jonathan […]

Megyn Kelly interviews expert on IPAB aka ‘Death Panels’

The Right Scoop 11/26/2013

This is a great interview with Michael Cannon as he explains how IPAB will ration care by reducing what Medicare spends on health care. This coming after Mark Halperin agreed (before walking it back on twitter) that death panels are in fact baked into Obamacare because the IPAB has the ability […]

Mitch McConnell says HHS put a gag order on insurers about impact of Obamacare via Tampa Bay Times 5/19/2013

Sen. Mitch McConnell says the Obama administration has created a “culture of intimidation” in Washington.

One example: Obamacare.

“Over at HHS back during the Obamacare debate, Secretary (Kathleen) Sebelius sent out a directive to help insurance companies telling them they couldn’t inform their policyholders of what they thought the […]
