Sessions: Fast-Tracking The Loss Of U.S. Sovereignty

SenatorSessions YouTube 6/22/2015

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Once Again Barack Obama Bashes America To United Nations

D. W. Ulsterman 9/24/2014

His dislike of America appears to be terminal at this point. Nothing much more to say than here is “our” president speaking before the United Nations and making certain to take time to share his negative views of the country he is to be leading. Perhaps the United States is […]

Obama’s ‘New World Order’ Quote Will Creep You Out Even if You’re Not a Conspiracy Theorist

Sanch Panza Soopermexican 7/23/2014

…this is the kind of “New World Order” quote that puts money in the wallet of Alex Jones, but aside from positing that Obama is a lizard space alien hellbent on imposing Sharia-Illuminati martial law on the world, it actually displays an amazing but troubling aspect of Obama’s “philosophy” of the […]

'Order and Progress Can Only Come When Individuals Surrender Their Rights to an All-Powerful Sovereign'

Sheikyer Mami Winds of Jihad 6/9/2014

…Just how in the world can we justify what is going on today in the United States? How in the world has our nation become such a nation of fools? Could this be due to many of us just not paying attention and just voting for a politician with […]

Critics: George Soros Using Political Connections to Benefit His Foreign Policy Goals

Secretary of State John Kerry to introduce George Soros at State Department open forum Tuesday

Daniel Wiser The Washington Free Beacon 5/13/2014

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will introduce liberal megadonor George Soros at an open forum on Tuesday, the latest evidence of the billionaire using his political connections to benefit his investments and […]

What is McCain doing meeting with Soros?

Anthony Martin Conservative Examiner 1/26/2014

…The McCain-Soros meeting took place in Switzerland Saturday at the World Economic Summit attended by some 40 world leaders to discuss how to reinvigorate the global economy.

The burning question that arises from the McCain-Soros summit is what on earth is McCain doing meeting with a man who has openly […]
